Natural paint brush painting; using sticks and leaves (or flowers) create natural paintbrushes. Adding water, sand and mud together allow the children to paint with the different natural paints, or explore the different textures which can be mixed together, to connect to the land
Playdough expression; using sand or red coloured playdough to make the ground, flatten into trays for the children to decorate with rocks, gum nuts, leaves and wooden playdough tools. Add to the activity pictures of Aboriginal art, pictures of Australian landscape to inspire the children int heir expressive art
Gum nut and leaf painting; collecting gum nuts and fallen leaves along with some small sticks prepare to create your own natural artwork. Look up Indigenous artwork and symbols and using the sticks and some paint decorate the different leave and gum nuts to spin your own yarn
Rainbow serpent game; draw and cut out a large serpent out of cardboard, section off the serpent into squares and decorate each square with different indigenous colours or symbols. Decorating some gumnuts add these as the movers to the serpent game. Using a dice move your pieces up the snake, the one who reaches the mouth first wins
Humpy creations; Whether outside of inside, create your own humpy. Move poles, tarps, branches and large sticks to create a shelter, it’s a great way to give your whole body a workout whist creating a fun and exciting place to play, camp and spend time
Optional extra; Add a tomato and herb dipping sauce to the side for extra flavour.