Car track painting; using different cars and vehicles allow your little ones to drive them through he paint and across large sheets of paper of wallpaper to create tracks as they move around – handy hint, strip little ones to vests or nappies to enjoy body painting experiences at the same time.
Car creations; using boxes, wood, bottle tops and paint encourage you little ones to build and create their own car and vehicle to drive around the house. Upscale and make this big enough to climb in and drive around in.
Road and traffic light creations; using large paper, wallpaper or an opened up large box, encourage the children to draw roads, and maps for their cars to drive on. Using egg cartons cut into strips of three and glue onto a stick painting the traffic light games.
Elastic and powered car creations; using paddle pop sticks, CDs string and elastic bands (plus sticky tape and glue) challenge your little one to create a car which is powdered by the elastic band.
Traffic light games; Either running, skipping cycling or scooting have the children enjoy moving around the garden. When you shout red, they must all stop, orange is to get ready and green to go, go, go. This supports the children learning their traffic lights meaning whilst getting some much-enjoyed exercise.
Optional extra; swap the jam for Nutella for a chocolatey treat.