All Day Long Childcare and Education

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Week 1 - Children & Family Activity Guide

Bu - 6 weeks to 12 months 

Teddy bear play - Discovery sensory bottles 
Sensory story telling using a sheet to go over, under and through (swooshing, lifting and dropping) 

Resources needed: Teddies, Sheets, 5 empty drink bottles, Mud, Water, Sticks, Leaves, Green paper (or paper and green texter), Oil, Blue food colouring, Cotton wool (or toilet roll paper, blue food colouring (if you have it), Rice.

  • Sensory explorations 
  • Social engagement 
  • Physical development
  • Learning dispositions; to investigation, exploring 

Perridak 1 to 2 years

Teddy Bears picnic - Make binoculars
Bear hunting inside the house and out in the community. Decorate your own bear

Resources needed: Blanket, Teddies, Cups, Plates, Bowls, Spoons,
2 toilet rolls, Sticky tape, Wool 

  • Social development
  • Learning dispositions; creativity, Imagination, transferring knowledge from one context to another
  • Effective communication
  • Role model & transfer knowledge

Go-Yin 2 to 3 years

Create a picnic for your bears 
Explore healthy foods & cooking skills to prepare the picnic for themselves and the bears

Resources needed: Lunch time meal; bread, spreads, salad items, fruit, water rice crackers, dips etc, Blanket, Teddies, Cups, Plates, Bowls, Spoons, 2 toilet rolls, Sticky tape, Wool, Colouring pencils/paint, Paper 

  • Healthy lifestyle Skills 
  • Connect to the world around them – fairness/sharing
  • Mathematical concepts
  • Physical development
  • Creative arts 

Ngurr-Ngurr 3 to 5 years

Create your own bear hunt 
Use your house to create a moving story to go under, over & through. Create sensory boxes for the children to step through in the garden feeling the different textures as you read.

Resources needed: Blanket, Dining room table/beds etc, Boxes/trays, Water, Sand, Grass, Leaves and sticks, Pebbles/rocks, Tissue paper/cotton wool, Toilet rolls/kitchen roll, Wool

  • Sensory exploration 
  • Cognitive & Physical development
  • Effective communication
  • Imaginative play 
  • Mathematical & Literacy concepts 

Yurn 4 to 6 years

Create your own bear hunt story
Create a map to go on a bear hunt, use vocabulary of; under, over, through to explore the concept of location. Make your own bear – where does it live (using a box create a home) 

Resources needed: Paper, Template, Pens/pencils, Words; under, over, through, Gridded paper, Box, Grass/leaves/rocks/paper, Cotton wool/tissue to make a home for your bear, Scissors, Glues, Sticky tape 

  • Literacy concepts
  • Physical development
  • Learning dispositions; investigate, explore
  • Skills; problem solving, enquiry, hypothesising
  • Mathematical concepts, space, location, counting

Mon.Garrk School age

Bear hunting creativity 
Create a story. Write, edit, publish and illustrate. Create a map for another person to follow to engage with the story.  Remember placement of items in the page. Diorama making of the going on a bear hunt story

Resources needed: Paper, Pencils/pens, Netbook/laptop/iPad if old enough, Template for a story, Grid paper for the map, Ruler, Shoe sized box, Plasticine/clay, Glue,
Coloured paper, Sticky tape 

  • English, Literacy & Mathematic skills
  • Critical and creative thinking 
  • Research
  • Creative arts
  • Technologies  
  • Personal and social capabilities

Family-Friendly Recipe Idea:

Pumpkin Risotto  (Serves 4)


  1. 1 Small onion peeled, chopped
  2. 1 tbs of oil
  3. 700g pumpkin or your choice, deseeded, peeled and cut into 2 cm cubes
  4. 750mls (3cups) of veggie stock
  5. 140g (3/4 cup) Arborio rice 
  6. 50g (1/2 cup) grated parmesan 
  7. 50g (1/2 cup of frozen peas 


  • In a saucepan add the oil and onion and place over a medium heat to Sautee until the onions are translucent.
  • Add the stock and pumpkin to the pan and bring to the boil
  • Reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes 
  • Add the rice and continue to simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally, or until the rice is soft and most of the liquid has been absorbed.
  • Stir through half of the cheese, all of the peas and season to taste
  • Sever with the remaining cheese sprinkled over the top.

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